Reduced Fridrich Method

If you've entered here, it must be because you already know how to solve the cube using the beginner's method. If not, please first visit the beginner's method.

It's also essential that you know the notation for the 3x3x3 cube. If you don't know it, you can review it by clicking the following button.

You can download the booklets with all the algorithms for the reduced Fridrich method on the downloads page.

The CFOP method, also known as the Fridrich method, in honor of its creator, Jessica Fridrich, is the most used method by speedcubers to solve the cube in the fastest way. The complete Fridrich method or CFOP requires learning many different algorithms and lots of practice, which is why we can start with the reduced method that doesn't require memorizing so many algorithms and later we can learn more.

It consists of 4 different steps:

  • Cross: As in the beginner's method, we will first make the cross.
  • F2L: From the English, First Two Layers, in this step, we will solve the first two layers at once.
  • OLL: From the English, Orient Last Layer, we will orient the pieces of the last layer so that the entire yellow face is solved, without worrying about whether the pieces are in the correct place.
  • PLL: Permutate Last Layer, in this last step, we will permute the pieces of the last layer to solve the cube.

Since here I will explain the reduced method, we will subdivide some of the 4 cases into several steps.


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